Important Days in November 2023: Check National and International Days with Themes

Important Days in November 2023 National and International with Themes PDF Download: Let us see about the Important Days in November 2023 at Indian and International levels. Students preparing for competitive exams must know about all the important November days 2023 lists because it is a frequently asked question in all competitive exams. The national and International November days list in Hindi and English are available here. So, both Hindi and English candidates can prepare for the Important Days in November 2023 with themes. Every important day has its Own Theme set by the Organisation that celebrates the day. Important November Days list in India and International Themes will be changed from year to year. Any changes or new updates will be updated on this list of Important Days in November 2023 national and International pdf. Students can view this page and download the Important Day in November 2023 pdf in Hindi and English. 

List of Important Days in October 2023

Important Days in November 2023 National and International with Themes

November comprises 30 days in which some of the important days like World Tsunami Day, Infant Protection Day, and World Cancer Awareness Day are also celebrated in this month. So Students should definitely read the article Important Days in November 2023 with themes. The article is given on this page and links for other Important Days in every month are also given. Please click on the link for more details. 

There are a lot of Important Days in November 2023 national and International. Students can view the List of Important Days in November 2023 with themes in the table given below. Students can easily prepare with the List of Important Days in November 2023 PDF.

Download Important Days in November 2023 PDF in English


 List of Important Days in November 2023 National and International with Themes


Important Days


1st November

World Vegan Day

To be announced

All Saints’ Day


2nd November

All Souls’ Day


5th November

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Fighting inequality for a resilient future.

6th November

International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict


7th November


National Cancer Awareness Day

Close the Care Gap

Infant Protection Day

Ensuring Every Child’s Right to Thrive

Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman Birthday


Melbourne Cup Day(1st Tuesday)


8th November

World Radiography Day

Celebrating Patient Safety

Guru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary


9th November

National Legal Services Day


10th November

World Science Day for Peace and Development.

Building trust in science

World Usability Day 

Collaboration and Cooperation

11th November

National Education Day

Embracing Innovation

12th November

World Pneumonia Day

To be announced

13th November

World Kindness Day

To be announced

14th November

Children’s Day in India

For every child, every right

World Diabetes Day

Access to diabetes education

15th November


Jharkhand Foundation Day


World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day or World COPD Day

Breathing is Life - Act Earlier

16th November

International Day for Tolerance

Tolerance: A Path to Peace and Reconciliation

17th November

National Epilepsy Day


International Students Day



19th November


World Toilet Day

Accelerating Change

International Men’s Day

Zero Male Suicide

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims(3rd Sunday)


20th November

Africa Industrialization Day

Accelerating Africa's industrialization through the empowerment of African women in processing for an integrated market

Universal Children’s Day

For every child, every right

21st November

World Television Day


25th November

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls

26th November

Constitution Day or Law Day (India)


29th November

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Palestine: A Land with a People 

30th November

St. Andrews Day



Current Affairs - Daily, Weekly, Monthly

List Of Important Days in November 2023 in Hindi

There are a lot of Important Days in November 2023 both national and International days. Students can view the List of Important Days in November 2023 pdf in Hindi Language given below, since most of the students have Hindi as a Local Language. Students can also prepare using the List of Important Days in November 2023 pdf in Hindi.

Download Important Days in November 2023 PDF in Hindi



महत्वपूर्ण दिन

1 नवंबर

विश्व शाकाहारी दिवस

सभी संन्यासी दिवस

मेलबर्न कप दिवस

2 नवंबर

सभी आत्माओं का दिन

5 नवंबर

विश्व सुनामी जागरूकता दिवस

6 नवंबर

युद्ध और सशस्त्र संघर्ष में पर्यावरण के शोषण को रोकने के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस

7 नवंबर

राष्ट्रीय कैंसर जागरूकता दिवस

शिशु सुरक्षा दिवस

चंद्रशेख-आरा वेंकट रमन जन्मदिन

8 नवंबर

विश्व रेडियोग्राफी दिवस

गुरु नानक देव जयंती

9 नवंबर

राष्ट्रीय कानूनी सेवा दिवस

10 नवंबर

शांति और विकास के लिए विश्व विज्ञान दिवस।

विश्व उपयोगिता दिवस

11 नवंबर

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा दिवस

12 नवंबर

विश्व निमोनिया दिवस

13 नवंबर

विश्व दया दिवस

14 नवंबर

भारत में बाल दिवस

विश्व मधुमेह दिवस

15 नवंबर

झारखंड स्थापना दिवस

16 नवंबर

सहिष्णुता के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस

विश्व जीर्ण प्रतिरोधी फुफ्फुसीय रोग दिवस या विश्व सीओपीडी दिवस

17 नवंबर

राष्ट्रीय मिर्गी दिवस

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय छात्र दिवस

19 नवंबर

विश्व शौचालय दिवस

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पुरुष दिवस

20 नवंबर

अफ्रीका औद्योगीकरण दिवस

सार्वभौमिक बाल दिवस

सड़क यातायात पीड़ितों के लिए विश्व स्मरण दिवस

21 नवंबर

विश्व टेलीविजन दिवस

25 नवंबर

महिलाओं के खिलाफ हिंसा के उन्मूलन के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस

26 नवंबर

संविधान दिवस या कानून दिवस (भारत)

29 नवंबर

फ़िलिस्तीनी लोगों के साथ एकजुटता का अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस

30 नवंबर

सेंट एंड्रयूज दिवस


List Of Important Days in November 2023 National and International

1st November - World Vegan Day 2023

This year World Vegan Day 2023 is celebrated on 1st November, Tuesday. World Vegan Day 2023 is celebrated to encourage people and companies to make them understand the lifestyle of vegans. 

1st November - All Saints’ Day 2023

This year All Saint’s Day 2023 is celebrated on 1st November, Tuesday. All Saints Day is celebrated to honor the Saints and also to praise the person who brings others to Christ as a friend or relative. It is celebrated by the Catholic Church and others. 

1st November - Melbourne Cup Day 2023

This Year Melbourne Cup Day 2023 is celebrated on 1st November, Tuesday. It is the biggest horse racing event in the world. It will take place in Australia. People across the country, businessmen and students will take part in the event to celebrate it.

2nd November - All Souls’ Day 2023

This year All Soul’s Day 2023 is celebrated on 2nd November, Wednesday. It is also called the day of death. All Soul’s Day is celebrated for the remembrance of their faithful followers who departed. It is celebrated by the Roman Catholic and Christian Denominations.

5th November - World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023

World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023 is celebrated on November 5, Saturday. It is celebrated by the UNO to create awareness and Preventive measures about tsunamis to the people after the Japan Tsunami attack and the 26th December 2004 Tsunami attack in India.

6th November - International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict 2023

The United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict on 6th November. It is celebrated to prevent war between nations in order not only to save lives but also to save the Environment.

7th November - National Cancer Awareness Day 2023

National Cancer Awareness Day 2023 is celebrated on 7th November in order to create awareness among the people about cancer causes, early prevention methods, and treatment facilities in order to save lives. 

8th November - World Radiography Day 2023

World Radiography Day 2023 is celebrated on 8th November, Tuesday. World Radiography Day 2023 is celebrated for the birth anniversary of X-rays. X-Ray is one of the accidental Inventions which plays a vital role in the medical field for diagnosis.

8th November - Guru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary 2023

Guru Nanak Dev’s Birth Anniversary is celebrated on 8th November every year. Guru Nanak Dev is the founder of Sikhism, the religion of Sikhs and he is one among the 10 Gurus of Sikhs. So his birthday is celebrated as a holy day for Sikhs.

9th November - National Legal Services Day 2023

National Legal Services Day 2023 is celebrated for the commencement of the Legal Services Authorities Act 1987. On that day awareness camps will be conducted by the State level Legal Services Authority to create awareness among the people about free legal services provided for the people beneficiary.

10th November - World Science Day for Peace and Development 2023

World Science Day for Peace and Development 2023 is celebrated on 10th November, Thursday. It is celebrated to forecast the importance of Science and Technology for the future development of the nation. The Awareness program and Science Quiz will be conducted on World Science Day for Peace and Development 2023.   

11th November - National Education Day 2023

National Education Day 2023 is observed on 11th November, Friday. National Education Day 2023 is celebrated on behalf of the birth Anniversary of the First Education Minister of Independent India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

11th November - World Usability Day 2023

World Usability Day 2023 is celebrated by UNO on 11th November. It is celebrated to increase Human-Computer interaction by making it a more user-friendly tool and easy for all. World Usability Day 2023 is celebrated every Thursday of this month.

12th November - World Pneumonia Day 2023

World Pneumonia Day 2023 is celebrated on 12th November, Saturday. It is celebrated to create awareness about the world's biggest infectious killer called Pneumonia in adults and children. World Pneumonia Day 2023 is celebrated every year.

13th November - World Kindness Day 2023

World Kindness Day 2023 is celebrated on 13th November, Sunday. World Kindness Day is celebrated by the World Kindness Movement started in 1998. The aim of World Kindness Day 2023 is to spread kindness among people or organizations.  

14th November - Children’s Day in India 2023

Children's Day in India 2023 is celebrated on November 14th, Monday. It is celebrated for the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the first Prime Minister of India. Children's Day In India 2023 is celebrated to increase awareness of children's Rights, Care, and Education.

14th November - World Diabetes Day 2023

World Diabetes Day 2023 is celebrated on 14th November, Monday. IDF celebrates World Diabetes Day 2023 by creating awareness about Diabetes across the world and how to check and control diabetes. As per IDF Survey 2023, one in Ten adults has diabetes.

15th November - Jharkhand Foundation Day 2023

Jharkhand Foundation Day is celebrated on 15th November Tuesday. The State of Jharkhand celebrates as it was separated from the State of Bihar by the Indian Parliament in 2000. Various events will be conducted on Jharkhand Foundation Day 2023.

16th November - International Day for Tolerance 2023

International Day for Tolerance 2023 is celebrated on 16th November, Wednesday. It is celebrated by UNESCO for World Peace and Non-Violence among people by strengthening Tolerance. UNESCO conducts an online conference about Peace on International Day for Tolerance 2023. 

17th November - National Epilepsy Day 2023

 National Epilepsy Day 2023 is celebrated on 17th November, Thursday. It is celebrated to create awareness about the Neurological disease Epilepsy among People. It is a non-communicable disease. Awareness Campaigns will be conducted on National Epilepsy Day 2023.

17th November - World COPD Day 2023

 World COPD Day 2023 is celebrated on 17th November, Thursday.  It is celebrated to create awareness of COPD which is a chronic lung disease making it difficult to breathe by shrinking the Air Pipe. Awareness campaigns will be conducted on World COPD Day 2023.

17th November - International Student Day 2023

 International Students Day 2023 is celebrated on 17th November, Thursday. It is celebrated on behalf of the Students who were hanged to death due to the Students’ revolution started at Charles University against the Government. On behalf of them, it was celebrated as International Students Day 2023. 

18th November - World Toilet Day 2023

World Toilet Day 2023 is celebrated on 18th November, Friday. It is celebrated to create awareness among the people about the importance of using Hygienic toilets and to prevent human waste from mixing in the waterbed nearby polluting the water and the environment.

19th November - International Men’s Day 2023

International Men’s Day 2023 is celebrated on 19th November, Saturday. It is celebrated to forecast the man who brings multiple values to his family, Nation, Society, and to his community. An awareness program will be conducted on International Men’s Day 2023 about problems faced by Men. 

20th November - Africa Industrial Day 2023

Africa Industrial Day 2023 is celebrated on 20th November, Sunday. It is celebrated as a part of Africa Industrial Week bringing together Country leaders in Africa and Trade Partners together for developing Africa in terms of Industrial growth and creating opportunity for the people.

20th November - Universal Children’s Day 2023

Universal Children's Day 2023 is celebrated on 20th November, Sunday. It is celebrated by the UNO to create awareness about Children’s education, welfare, and Health. Various events will be conducted on Universal Children's Day 2023.

20th November - World Day of Remembrance

World Day of Remembrance 2023 is celebrated on 20th November, Sunday. It is celebrated for the remembrance of road deaths taking place every year to give support to the victim's family about Legal Provisions and to create awareness to reduce road accidents.

21st November - World Television Day 2023

World Television Day 2023 is celebrated on 21st November 2023. The UN General Assembly decided to celebrate World Television Day because of the increase in the impact created by television in decision-making. Television made information sharing quicker, increasing public opinion.

25th November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is celebrated on 25th November, Friday. It is celebrated to prevent and reduce violence against women and Girls. It was started by the UN General Assembly in 2008.

26th November - Constitution Day or Law Day

Constitution Day or Law Day is celebrated on 26th November, Saturday. It is also called National Law Day. It is celebrated for the remembrance of the Constitution Formation in India in 1950. The First Constitution Assembly was held on 26th November 1949.

29th November - International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people is celebrated on 29th November every year. It is celebrated by the UNO. The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on the partition of Palestine in 1947.

30th November - St. Andrews Day

St. Andrew's Day is celebrated on 30th November every year. It is celebrated by the people of Scotland. St. Andrew Day 2023 is the feast day of Andrew the Apostle. It is celebrated for ST. Andrews, who became the first Patron Saint after Scotland's Independence.

List of Important Days in November 2023 PDF - FAQs

Check the FAQs on important November days 2023 pdf download.

Q: Where can I get the list of Important days in November 2023 National and International with themes?

A: On this page, you can check the list of Important days in November 2023 with themes.

Q: Why should we study important days in November 2023 with themes?

A: Important days in November 2023 with themes is an essential topic that can be asked in the current affairs section of banking, SSC, Railways, and various other competitive exams.

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