Important Military Exercises of India 2025 PDF: List of Domestic, Bilateral, Multilateral Exercises
Feb 05 2025
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Important Joint Military Exercises Of India PDF
Important joint military exercises in India are categorized into three types. We have updated the table for every kind of military exercises of India with other countries. For the convenience of the aspirants, we have given the pdf so that they can download it by clicking the link that is given in both English and Hindi.
Important Military Exercises Of India PDF in English
Important Military Exercises PDF in Hindi
Joint Military Exercises of India
Before discussing India's joint military exercises, it's essential to understand the types of armed forces in India: the Indian Army, the Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force. India's Joint Military exercises are done with friendly countries, which leads to positive operational interactions and improves the capabilities of the armed forces in a variety of different warfighting areas. The latest tactical and technological methods, procedures, etc., are exchanged during such joint military exercises.
Depending on the nature and requirements of the particular exercises, different units/battalions from the Indian armed forces would participate. Depending on our level of involvement and the resources employed in such exercises, different amounts are spent. Indian military forces take part in bilateral, multilateral, and domestic exercises.
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Military Exercises Of India
The Recent Military Exercises of India 2025 have done a lot of training in military operations with friendly countries. The Military Exercises are done in three categories. They are called as
Domestic Exercises
Bilateral Exercises
Multilateral Exercises.
They are referred to as Important military training.
Domestic Exercises 2025
Domestic Exercises are important military exercises of India 2025 to improve the internal coordination between the military groups in India. There are four major Domestic Military Operations. The list of military exercises in the domestic category is given in the table.,
Domestic Exercises 2025 |
S.No. |
Domestic Exercise |
1. |
Gandiv Vijay |
2. |
Paschim Lehar |
3. |
Vayu Shakti |
4. |
Vijay Prahar |
Important Revolutions in India
Bilateral Exercises 2025
Military exercises that are done by two countries joined together are called Bilateral Military Exercises. One of the important military exercises of India is known as Bilateral military exercises also called India Military exercises in the Bilateral category. India's US military exercise comes under Bilateral exercises. There are list of military exercises of India 2025 in the bilateral category which is given in the table. You can go through this article or download the PDF for your effective preparation for the upcoming bank and other competitive examinations.
Bilateral Exercises 2025 |
Participating Countries |
Army/Navy/Air Force |
Bilateral Exercise Name |
India and Australia |
Army |
Navy |
India and Bangladesh |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
Table Top Ex |
India and China |
Army |
India and France |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
India and Indonesia |
Army |
Navy |
India and Japan |
Army |
Navy |
India and Kazakhstan |
Army |
India and Kyrgyzstan |
Army |
India and Maldives |
Army |
India and Mongolia |
Army |
India and Myanmar |
Army |
Navy |
India and Nepal |
Army |
India and Oman |
Army |
Navy |
Naseem-al-Bahr |
Air Force |
India and Russia |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
India and Seychelles |
Army |
India and Sri Lanka |
Army |
Navy |
India and Thailand |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
India and the United Kingdom |
Army |
Navy |
Air Force |
India and USA |
Army |
Navy |
MALABAR (Multilateral) |
Air Force |
RED FLAG 16-1 |
India and Vietnam |
Army |
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Multilateral Exercises 2025
Multilateral Military Exercises are done involving more than two nations. This type of exercise is called Multilateral Military Exercise it is also one of the important military exercises of India 2025. They are also called joint Exercise military. India has undergone a lot of Multilateral Military exercises in 2025. There is a list of military exercises of India 2025 in the multilateral category is given in the table.
Multilateral Exercises 2025 |
S.No. |
Multilateral Exercise |
Participating Countries |
1. |
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, South Korea Singapore, Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom, and the United States |
2. |
India, the United States, and Japan |
3. |
Asia-Pacific countries |
4. |
Samvedna |
South Asian Region Nations |
Maharatna Companies in India 2025
Important Joint Military Exercises 2025
These are some of the Important Joint Military Training that took place in the past which will be highlighted in the future too. We have given the Exercise name, the country that participated, the year of training, and the venue. It will be helpful for the aspirants from the exam point of view as it is one of the important GK questions.
Important Military Exercises of India 2025 |
Exercise name |
The country participated with India |
Latest Date/Year/Edition |
Held at |
Al Nagah-IV |
Oman |
Rajasthan |
Bold Kurukshetra |
Singapore |
Jodhpur Military Station |
Ekuverin |
Maldives |
Chaubatia, Uttarakhand |
Garuda Shakti VIII |
Indonesia |
Karawang, Indonesia |
Hand in Hand |
China |
Umroi, Meghalaya |
Indra |
Russia |
Russia |
Khanjar V |
Kyrgyzstan |
Bakloh, Himachal Pradesh |
Lamitye |
Seychelles |
Mahe Island in Seychelles |
Maitree |
Thailand |
Umroi, Meghalaya |
Mitra Shakti-VII |
Sri Lanka |
Pune, Maharashtra |
Multi-national FTX/Exercise Force Eighteen |
18 ASEAN Plus countries |
Pune, India |
Nomadic Elephant-23 |
Mongolia |
Mongolia |
Exercise KAZIND |
Kazakhstan |
Kazakhstan |
Sampriti-XI |
Bangladesh |
Umroi, Meghalaya |
Surya Kiran XVII |
Nepal |
Uttarakhand |
Yudh Abhyas |
United States |
Alaska, USA |
Important Joint Military Exercises In Hindi
Let us see about the Important Joint military exercises of India 2025 in Hindi called Important military exercises in Hindi sub-topic. Aspirants who are preparing for Bank, Railways, SSC, and UPSC exams are from all over the country. So for the convenience of the aspirants, we have given a table for all three types of Important military exercises in Hindi format. So Aspirants go through the table in Hindi also. It is given on the topic of Important Joint Military training in Hindi. Military Exercises of India 2025 pdf in Hindi is given below. It will be useful for the aspirants in exam preparation.
भारत में महत्वपूर्ण सैन्य अभ्यास 2025: घरेलू अभ्यास |
क्र.सं. |
घरेलू अभ्यास |
1. |
गांडीव विजय |
2. |
पश्चिम लहर |
3. |
वायु शक्ति |
4. |
वायु शक्ति |
भारत के महत्वपूर्ण सैन्य अभ्यास 2025: द्विपक्षीय अभ्यास |
भाग लेने वाले देश |
सेना/नौसेना/वायु सेना |
द्विपक्षीय अभ्यास का नाम |
भारत और ऑस्ट्रेलिया |
सेना |
औस्ट्रा हिंद |
नौसेना |
औस इंडेक्स |
भारत और बांग्लादेश |
सेना |
संप्रीति |
नौसेना |
आईएन-बीएन कॉर्पैट |
वायु सेना |
टेबल टॉप एक्स |
भारत और चीन |
सेना |
हैंड इन हैंड |
भारत और फ्रांस |
सेना |
शक्ति |
नौसेना |
वरुण |
वायु सेना |
गरूड़ |
भारत और इंडोनेशिया |
सेना |
गरुड़ शक्ति |
नौसेना |
इंड-इंडो कार्पेट |
भारत और जापान |
सेना |
धर्मा गार्डीयन |
नौसेना |
जिमेक्स |
भारत और कजाकिस्तान |
सेना |
प्रबल दोस्तिक |
भारत और किर्गिस्तान |
सेना |
खंजर |
भारत और मालदीव |
सेना |
एक्यूवेरिन |
भारत और मंगोलिया |
सेना |
नोमेडिक एलीफेन्ट |
भारत और म्यांमार |
सेना |
इमबेक्स |
नौसेना |
इमकोर(IMCOR) |
भारत और नेपाल |
सेना |
सूर्य किरण |
भारत और ओमान |
सेना |
अल नगाह |
नौसेना |
नसीम-अल-बहर |
वायु सेना |
ईस्टर्न ब्रिज-IV |
भारत और रूस |
सेना |
इंद्रा |
नौसेना |
इंद्रा नेवी |
वायु सेना |
इंद्रा |
भारत और सेशेल्स |
सेना |
लामितिये |
भारत और श्रीलंका |
सेना |
मित्र शक्ति |
नौसेना |
स्लिनेक्स |
भारत और थाईलैंड |
सेना |
मैत्री |
नौसेना |
इंडो-थाई कॉर्पेट |
वायु सेना |
सियाम भारत |
भारत और यूनाइटेड किंगडम |
सेना |
अजय वारियर |
नौसेना |
कोंकण |
वायु सेना |
इन्द्रधनुष- IV |
भारत और अमेरीका |
सेना |
युद्धाभ्यास और वज्र प्रहार |
नौसेना |
मालाबार (बहुपक्षीय) |
वायु सेना |
रेड फ्लैग 16-1 |
भारत और वियतनाम |
सेना |
विनबैक्स |
भारत के सैन्य अभ्यास 2025: बहुपक्षीय अभ्यास |
क्र.सं. |
बहुपक्षीय अभ्यास |
भाग लेने वाले देश |
1. |
रिमपैक |
ऑस्ट्रेलिया, ब्रुनेई, कनाडा, चिली, चीन, कोलंबिया, डेनमार्क, फ्रांस, जर्मनी, भारत, इंडोनेशिया, इटली, जापान, मलेशिया, मैक्सिको, नीदरलैंड, न्यूजीलैंड, नॉर्वे, पेरू, फिलीपींस, दक्षिण कोरिया सिंगापुर, थाईलैंड, टोंगा, द यूनाइटेड किंगडम और संयुक्त राज्य |
2. |
मालाबार |
भारत, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका और जापान |
3. |
कोबरा-गोल्ड |
एशिया-प्रशांत देश |
4. |
संवेदना |
दक्षिण एशियाई क्षेत्र के राष्ट्र |
अभ्यास का नाम |
देश ने भारत के साथ भाग लिया |
अल नगाह |
ओमान |
बोल्ड कुरुक्षेत्र |
सिंगापुर |
एक्यूवेरिन |
मालदीव |
गरुड़ शक्ति |
इंडोनेशिया |
हैंड इन हैंड |
चीन |
इंद्रा |
रूस |
खंजर |
किर्गिज़स्तान |
लमितये |
सेशल्स |
मैत्री |
थाईलैंड |
मित्र शक्ति |
श्रीलंका |
मल्टी-नेशनल एफटीएक्स/एक्सरसाइज फ़ोर्स ऐटीन |
18 आसियान प्लस देश |
नोमेडिक एलीफेन्ट |
मंगोलिया |
प्रबल दोस्तिक |
कजाखस्तान |
संप्रीति |
बांग्लादेश |
सूर्य किरण |
नेपाल |
युद्ध अभ्यास |
संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका |
To Conclude this article, We have covered all types of topics, and sub-topics with different names like Types of the army in India, Indian US military exercises, India Joint Military exercises, Joint Military Exercises of India, military exercises, joint exercise military, List of Military exercises of india 2025, military exercises 2025 list, Important military exercises list, recent military exercises of India 2025, Indian army exercise, military exercises of India 2025 pdf, point of view. So please read this article completely so that you can score well in the GK part.
Important Joint Military Exercises of India - FAQs
Q: What are called India Military Exercises?
A: A military exercise, training exercise, or war game is the employment of military resources in training for military operations.
Q: What are the types of army in India?
A: The types of army in India are the Indian Army, Indian Navy, and the Indian Air Force
Q: What are the three types of Military exercises?
A: 1) Domestic Exercises
2) Bilateral Exercises
3) MultiLateral Exercises.
Q: Are military Exercises available in bilingual languages?
A: Yes Military Exercises post has been given in English as well as in Hindi.
Q: What are the Domestic Exercises done?
A: Gandiv Vijay, Paschim Lehar, and Vayu Shakti are some of the domestic exercises that took place.
Q: Name some important Bilateral Exercises that took place between India and the U.S.A.
A: YUDHABHAYAS & VAJRA PRAHAR, MALABAR (Multilateral), RED FLAG 16-1 are the important Bilateral exercises that took place between India and the U.S.A.
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