List of Scientific Names of Animals PDF: Check Out the Classification of Domestic and Wild Animals

Scientific Name means technical literature typically referred to as an organism. The other name for the scientific name is known as Binomial Nomenclature.

The meaning of the two terms is the first name is known as the genus and the second name is known as the species.

This article on the scientific names of animals consists of the details of the classification of scientific names of animals, uses of scientific names of animals, rules, complete list, classification of animals into domestic and wild animals, Uses of Scientific Names of All Animals, Rules for Writing, Scientific Names of Animals with Common Names and Pictures. A PDF format is also attached for download. For any queries or doubts check the FAQ section given below.

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Scientific Names of Animals PDF: Animal Science Name


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Classification of  Scientific Names of Animals?

Carolus (Carl) Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, created a classification system for animals' scientific names in the 1700s.

  • The Linnaean Taxonomy or The Linnaeus Method are terms used to describe his method of combining a genus name and a species-specific adjective.

  • Since each species is categorized under a genus, this naming system was also implicitly hierarchical.

  • Linnaeus used binomial nomenclature for the first time when he asked students to identify the plants that various breeds of cattle ate as part of a little study.

  • Binomial names were used in this study as a kind of shorthand for field observations.

  • Despite the benefits of this naming scheme, Linnaeus didn't start using binomial names consistently in his writing until Species Plantarum was published (1753).

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Uses of Scientific Names of All Animals:

Classification and organization - Entities are thoroughly categorized, which facilitates understanding and systematically researching specific entities' properties.

  • Precision and clarity - The names are supplied with one scientific term for each, preventing misunderstanding.

  • The scientific names of animals are established and widely used.

  • The scientific names of animals are kept even if a species is moved to a different genus due to new information.

  • When establishing an association between two species, helps to comprehend the similarities and differences among other species that belong to the same genera.

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Rules for Writing Scientific Names of Animals:

The genus name is always written first and with a capital letter at the beginning.

  • The second name, which begins with a lowercase letter, is the particular. In this method, the relationship between genus and species may be seen.

  • The genus and specific name are essentially written in italics to set them apart from the rest of the text.

  • There are 26 letters in the alphabet in total that are utilized to write the scientific names.

  • There are no gaps, accents, apostrophes, hyphens (save in very rare circumstances), or numbers.

  • Scientific names of animals can alternatively be written like H. sapiens, with the genus name being abbreviated and the specific name being printed in full.

  • Scientific names of animals, the names of superior groups, such as families or orders, always start with a capital letter but are not italicized.

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Complete List

Here is the complete list of Scientific Names of animals with common names and pictures. It will be useful for those who are in search of animals' scientific names.


Animals: Animals Science Name

  • Animals belong to the biological kingdom Animalia and are multicellular, eukaryotic creatures.

  • On the planet Earth, there are about two million different species of animals, and ten thousand new ones are discovered every year.

  • They have been divided into nine major phyla, of which eight are invertebrate phyla (animals without a backbone).

  • The five more classes that make up the one phylum of vertebrates (animals with a backbone—include mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians).

  • The scientific names of animals are based on the classification of animals.

The largest of the planet's five existing kingdoms is called Animalia. Seven major categories make up the scientific classification system:

(1) kingdom,

(2) phylum or division,

(3) class,

(4) order,

(5) family,

(6) genus, and

(7) species.

  • The largest group is a kingdom, while the smallest is a species. The second-largest group in the Animal Kingdom is referred to as a phylum.

  •  Animals in a division or phylum have fewer traits in common with classes than with them. An order is made up of animals that have more features than those in a class.

  • A family consists of animals that are even more alike than those in an order.

  • A genus consists of animals with very similar groups, but members of different groups usually cannot breed with one another.

  • A species is the basic unit of scientific classification.

  • Animals of a species have many similar features and characteristics alike, but they are different from all forms of life in one or more ways.

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Classification of Animals into Domestic and Wild Animals

  • Animals could be mainly divided into two parts wild and domestic.

  • The term "feral animals" refers to domesticated animals that dwell in a wild environment.

  • Due to the obvious distinctions between domestic and wild animals, it is not particularly difficult to tell one from the other simply by looking at them.

  • To know the Scientific names of all animals first know the difference between domestic and wild animals.


Classification of Animals into Domestics and Wild Animals

Domestic Animals

Wild Animals

  • Domestic animals live under the care of humans.

  • Aggression is lower.

  • Domestic animals are trained to obey human commands.

  • Wild animals are pests of agriculture.

  • Domestic animals do not usually get disturbed by anthropogenic activities.

  • Wild animals live without direct influence from humans.

  • Aggression is higher.

  • Wild Animals do not obey any commands

  • Domestic animals are friends of agriculture.

  • Anthropogenic activities may be mostly problematic for wild animals.

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Scientific Names of Domestic Animals

Here we have given the list of scientific names of animals along with the scientific names of domestic names. Candidates who are in search of scientific names of domestic animals shall check down the details and start preparing for the upcoming exams.


Domesticated Animals:

Animals that have been selectively raised and genetically modified over many generations to coexist with humans are considered domesticated.

  • They differ genetically from their relatives or wild ancestors.

  • Humans are in charge of their actions, eating habits, and other biological necessities.

  • Even domestic animals' genetic histories are subject to manipulation through selective breeding.

  • Large animals, such as horses, elephants, donkeys, etc., have been essential for completing working objectives.

  • Farm animals have been needed to meet milk and protein requirements.

  • However, as domestic animals are highly capable of killing or seriously injuring humans, relationships are vital while handling them.

  • Domesticated animals have, nonetheless, been a significant part of human society, contributing to entertainment, agriculture, transportation, and companionship.

There are three primary categories of domesticated animals: 

  • Companion animals (dogs and cats)

  • Food-producing animals (sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys, etc.)

  • Working or draught animals (horses, donkeys, camels).

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 Scientific Names of Domestic Animals

Common name

Scientific Names of Domestic Animals


Ovis aries




Capra hircus

Cow, cattle

Bos taurus and B. indicus


Sus domesticus


Equus caballus


Camelus dromedarius






Gallus gallus domesticus

House mouse

Mus musculus





Common Myna

Acridotheres tristis


Oryctolagus cuniculus



Asian Elephant

Elephas maximus

Black rat

Rattus rattus

House crow

Corvus splendens


Musca domestica

House mouse

Mus musculus

House sparrow

Passer domesticus

House wall Lizard

Hemidactylus flaviviridis





Honey Bee



Columba livia



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Scientific Names of Wild Animals

A truly wild animal is called a wild animal. This indicates that it isn't domesticated and that it survives without assistance from humans.

  • In a particular natural habitat, a wild animal meets all of its needs including food, shelter, water, and other necessities.

  • Wild animals can be found in both the city and the countryside.

  • The choices of wild animals depend on how well they can thrive in the surroundings.

  • They do, however, deal with a variety of issues brought on by people or anthropogenic activity.

  • As a result, compared to past circumstances, the free-roaming environment has been constrained to small places.

  • Conflict between humans and wildlife has resulted as a result.

  • Wild animals can destroy human habitations, plunder crops, or in the worst circumstances, even kill people for food.

  • But the world of science has learned a lot from studying wild animals.

  • Wild animals can occasionally be a very profitable source of income through tourism-related activities.

  • Wild animals could conceivably be used as a source of protein for people if sustainable harvesting is used. 


Classification of Wild animals is as follows:

  1. Extinct (EX)

  2. Extinct in the Wild (EW)

  3. Critically Endangered (CR)

  4. Endangered (EN)

  5. Vulnerable (VU)

  6. Near Threatened (NT)

  7. Least concern (LC)

  8. Not evaluated (NE)

  9. Threatened species


Extinct (EX)

  • When the death of the last member of a species is conclusively proven, the species is considered extinct.

  • To declare a species extinct, surveys must have been conducted to look for the species throughout its formerly recognized range.

  • The survey must also take into account the species' life cycle and the seasons during which it might be present.


Extinct in the wild (EW)

  • When a species is only known to exist as a naturalized population, in captivity, or cultivation outside of its former habitat, it is said to be extinct in the wild.

  • For a species to be considered extinct, surveys akin to those conducted for extinct species must have been conducted.


Critically Endangered (CR)

  • When all the evidence points to a species meeting at least one of the IUCN criteria  A through E for severely endangered, the species is considered to be critically endangered.

  • The probability of extinction in the wild is then very high.

  • A species may be included in a maybe extinct subcategory when surveys indicate that it may be extinct but not all surveys have been conducted to confirm this.


Endangered (EN)

A species is endangered when all evidence shows that it meets at least one of the IUCN criteria A to E for endangered species, indicating it is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.


Vulnerable (VU)

A species is vulnerable when all the evidence shows that it meets at least one of the IUCN criteria A to E for vulnerable, indicating that it is facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.


Near Threatened (NT)

A species is near threatened when it is not classified in one of the above-threatened categories, but it is close to being or is likely to be in a threatened category soon.


Animal Science Name: Least concern (LC)

A species is least concerned when there is sufficient information available to make an assessment and it is not classified as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or near threatened. Species that are widespread with high numbers are in this category.


Animal Science Name: Data Deficient (DD)

A species is data deficient when there is not enough information to make a direct, or indirect, assessment of its risk of extinction based on distribution and/or population.


Not evaluated (NE)

A species is not evaluated when it has not been assessed against the criteria. This may be because the species is a rare visitor to the Territory or that the taxonomy of the species has recently changed or is unclear.


Threatened species

Species that have been classified as extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, or vulnerable are threatened species and have greater protection in the NT under the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1976.

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Scientific Names of Wild Animals

Common Name

Scientific Name in Animals 

African Elephant





Vicugna pacos




Bos gaurus

Brown Tree Snake

Boiga irregularis



Polar bear

Ursus maritimus

Sun bear

Helarctos malayanus

Sea snake


Siberian crane

Grus leucogeranus




Passer domesticus








Gazella bennettii

Red fox

Vulpes vulpes

Great horned owl

Bubo virginianus


Giraffa camelopardalis


Hippopotamus amphibius

Kashmir stag or hangul

Cervus canadensis hanglu


Eudynamys scolopaceus

Indian Cobra

Naja naja


Pavo cristatus

Rat snake

Ptyas mucosa




Rhinoceros unicornis


Panthera tigris

Tiger Snake

Notechis scutatus

Wild Ass

Equus africanus asinus

Wild boar

Sus scrofa


Canis lupus


Equus quagga

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Scientific Names of Animals with Common Names and Pictures:

The picture that contains the animal names and their scientific names has given 


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Scientific Names of Animals: Quiz

Q1: What is the Scientific Name of Fish?

  1. Lumbricus
  2. Caelifera
  3. Apis
  4. Vertebrata

Answer.(4)  Vertebrata

Q2: What is the Common Name of Ursidae?

  1. Bear
  2. Tiger
  3. Lion
  4. Koel

Answer:(1) Bear

Q3: What is the Binomial Nomenclature of Red fox?

  1. Accipitridae
  2. Gazella bennettii
  3. Vulpes vulpes
  4. Bubo virginianus

Answer: (3) Vulpes vulpes

Q4: What is the Scientific Name of the animal Giraffe?

  1. Bubo virginianus
  2. Giraffa camelopardalis
  3. Lumbricus
  4. Naja naja

Answer: (2) Giraffa camelopardalis

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Q: Where can I get the scientific names of animals pdf for both domestic and wild animals?

A: Here we can get the scientific names of animals pdf for both domestic and wild animals.


Q: What is the longest scientific animal name?

A: The longest scientific binomial name given to any animal is Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides (containing 42 letters), which is a species of stratiomyid fly with a metallic green thorax and abdomen, known as the soldier fly.


Q: How are animals named?

A: Scientists use a two-name system called a Binomial Naming System. Scientists name animals and plants using the system that describes the genus and species of the organism. The first word is the genus and the second is the species. The first word is capitalized and the second is not.


Q: Who discovered the scientific names of animals?

A: Animal scientific name classification was developed by Swedish botanist Carolus (Carl) Linnaeus in the 1700's. His process of combining the genus and a species-specific epithet is known as the Linnaeus Method or Linnaean Taxonomy.

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