List of Opposite Words in English Grammar A to Z PDF Download: Antonyms Words List In Alphabetical Order

1000 Opposite Words in English PDF Download: Here you can get to know the opposite words in English, opposite words in English pdf, opposite in words, opposite of english words, in english opposite words, opposite word of english, opposite words for english, word and opposite in English, word opposite in English, opposite of words in English, opposite words in english list, 20 opposite word, opposite words in English 100, 1000 opposite words in English A to Z, and the opposite words in English A to Z pdf, opposite words in hindi pdf download, and the opposite words in English pdf. A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another. Students should acquire as many antonyms and opposite terms as they can because knowing Opposite Words in English with meanings will help them expand their vocabulary and strengthen their command of the English language. "Opposite words" is an important topic in English Grammar. For competitive exams, in the reading comprehension topic or the English language section, opposite words in english 100, questions from the Opposite Words in English and 1000 Opposite Words in English A to Z are common. These terms will be crucial to your academic development as well as the improvement of your reading and writing abilities. However, the list of opposite words in English a to z is provided below in this Opposite Words in English article and opposite words in English pdf. We have also provided the Opposite Words in English A to Z pdf in this Opposite Words in English article. Candidates can download this 1000 Opposite Words in English A to Z pdf or Opposite Words in English pdf which is attached to this Opposite Words in English post for their future reference. The candidates in search of Antonyms/Opposite Words, frequently want to know about opposite words in English 20, opposite words in English list, 1000 opposite words in English pdf, words and opposite in English, opposite words in English 100, opposite words list, opposite words in English 10, opposite words in English a to z 200, opposite words for class 1, opposite words for class 2, opposite words for class 3, opposite words for kids, opposite words in English 100, opposite words in English a to z list, Opposite Words in Hindi pdf, 100 opposite words in English, opposite words in English 20 PDF Download, 50 opposite words in English, easy opposite words in English, brave opposite words in English, sweet opposite words in English, hard opposite words in English, near opposite words in English, opposite words in English 100, opposite words in English for class 1, 100 opposite words in English pdf download, 100 opposite words in English easy, etc., can refer to this article for more info.

Static GK 2024

Opposite Words In English a-z

It is not possible for one individual to study the antonyms of every word in the English lexicon due to the scope of the topic "Opposite Words." There are many opposite terms that we frequently use in our daily lives, but some of us might not be familiar with all of them. We have listed more than 1,000 opposing terms in this Opposite Words in English post for your reference of the Opposite Words in English A to Z; browse through them and attempt to understand a few new words with opposing connotations. This Opposite Words in English article will teach you many of the opposing words used in English grammar, which will undoubtedly improve your vocabulary, especially if you're getting ready for competitive exams like the Bank Exams, SSC Exams, UPSC, and others where you have to study for the English subject. Candidates aspiring to know all the a to z opposite words, 1000 opposite words in English, and opposite words in English a-z can read further and also can download the Opposite Words in English A to Z pdf and Opposite words in Hindi pdf download on this Opposite Words in English A to Z page. 

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Candidates preparing for competitive exams can make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF or opposite words in English pdf and opposite words in hindi pdf download link provided below in this Opposite Words in English A to Z page. With the help of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link, aspirants can learn the opposite words in English easily and also they can download the Opposite Words in English A to Z PDF and take printouts if necessary. Make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link for effective preparation.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF in English
Opposite Words In English a to z PDF in Hindi


1000 Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Here we have added the list of opposite words in English for the reference of Opposite Words in English A to Z for the candidates. Below is a collection of some general and simple opposing words in English. Utilize these antonyms to expand your vocabulary in English. You can read the following general 100 opposite words in English easily on this Opposite Words in English page. 


Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Words Antonyms In English
Absent Present












Big Small / Little
Cheap Expensive
Clean Dirty


Deep Shallow


Down Up


Early Late
Easy Difficult / Hard


Far Near / Close


Fast Slow
Fat Thin / Skinny
Full Empty
Good Bad
Happy Sad
Heavy Light


Here There
High Low
Hot Cold
In Out
Inside Outside
Interesting Boring
Light Dark
Long Short
Loud Soft
Many Few


New Old




Rich Poor
Right Left
Right Wrong
Safe Dangerous
Single Married
Smooth Rough
Soft Hard
Strong Weak
Tall Short
Thick Thin
Tight Loose






Warm Cool
Wet Dry
Wide Narrow
Young Old


Yes No

Opposite Words In English a to z List

Here you can find out the opposite words in English in alphabetical order from a to z. For your future reference, you can also download the Opposite Words in English A to Z pdf which is enclosed in this Opposite Words in English article. 

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'A'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter A tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'A'

  • absent - present
  • abundant - scarce
  • accept - decline, refuse
  • accurate - inaccurate
  • admit - deny
  • advantage - disadvantage
  • against - for
  • agree - disagree
  • alive - dead
  • alike - different
  • all - none, nothing
  • ally - enemy
  • always - never
  • allow- forbid
  • ancient - modern
  • answer - question
  • antonym - synonym
  • above - below
  • apart - together
  • ancestor - descendant
  • arrival - departure
  • appear - disappear, vanish
  • approve - disapprove
  • arrive - depart
  • artificial - natural
  • ascend - descend
  • attic - cellar
  • attractive - repulsive
  • awake - asleep

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'B'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter B tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'B'

  • backward - forward
  • bad - good
  • beautiful - ugly
  • before - after
  • begin - end
  • below - above
  • bent - straight
  • best - worst
  • better - worse, worst
  • big - little, small
  • bitter-sweet
  • black - white
  • blame - praise
  • bless - curse
  • bold - meek, timid
  • borrow - lend
  • bottom - top
  • bound - unbound, free
  • boundless - limited
  • boy - girl
  • brave - cowardly
  • bright - dim, dull
  • brighten - fade
  • broad - narrow
  • build - destroy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'C'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter C tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'C'

  • calm - windy, troubled
  • can - cannot, can't
  • capable - incapable
  • captive - free
  • careful - careless
  • cheap - expensive
  • cheerful - sad, discouraged, dreary
  • clear - cloudy, opaque
  • clever - stupid
  • clockwise - counterclockwise
  • close - far, distant
  • closed - ajar, open
  • clumsy - graceful
  • cold - hot
  • combine - separate
  • come - go
  • comfort - discomfort
  • common - rare
  • compulsory - voluntary
  • conceal - reveal
  • contract - expand
  • cool - warm
  • correct - incorrect, wrong
  • courage - cowardice
  • courteous - discourteous, rude
  • create - destroy
  • crooked - straight
  • cruel - kind

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'D'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter D tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'D'

  • dangerous - safe
  • dark - light
  • day - night
  • daytime - nighttime
  • dead - alive
  • decline - accept, increase
  • decrease - increase
  • deep - shallow
  • definite - indefinite
  • demand - supply
  • despair - hope
  • dim - bright
  • disappear - appear
  • discourage - encourage
  • diseased - healthy
  • down - up
  • downwards - upwards
  • dreary - cheerful
  • dry - moist, wet
  • dull - bright, shiny
  • dusk - dawn

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'E'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter E tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'E'

  • early - late
  • east-west
  • easy - hard, difficult
  • empty - full
  • encourage - discourage
  • end - begin, start
  • enter - exit
  • even - odd
  • expand - contract
  • export - import
  • exterior - interior
  • external - internal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'F'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter F tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'F'

  • fade - brighten
  • fail - succeed
  • false - true
  • famous - unknown
  • far - near
  • fast - slow
  • fat - thin
  • feeble - strong, powerful
  • few - many
  • find - lose
  • first - last
  • float - sink
  • fold - unfold
  • foolish - wise
  • for - against
  • fore - aft
  • forget - remember
  • fortunate - unfortunate
  • found - lost
  • free-bound, captive
  • frequent - seldom
  • fresh - stale
  • friend - enemy
  • full - empty

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'G'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter G tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'G'

  • generous - stingy
  • gentle - rough
  • get - give
  • giant - tiny, small, dwarf
  • girl - boy
  • give - receive, take
  • glad - sad, sorry
  • gloomy - cheerful
  • go - stop
  • good - bad, evil
  • grant - refuse
  • great - tiny, small, unimportant
  • grow - shrink
  • guest - host
  • guilty - innocent

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'H'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter H tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'H'

  • happy - sad
  • hard - easy
  • hard - soft
  • harmful - harmless
  • harsh - mild
  • hate - love
  • haves - have-nots
  • healthy - diseased, ill, sick
  • heaven - hell
  • heavy - light
  • help - hinder
  • here - there
  • hero - coward
  • high - low
  • hill - valley
  • hinder - help
  • honest - dishonest
  • horizontal - vertical
  • hot - cold
  • humble - proud

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'I'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter I tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'I'

  • ill - healthy, well
  • immense - tiny, small
  • important - trivial
  • in - out
  • include - exclude
  • increase - decrease
  • inferior - superior
  • inhale - exhale
  • inner - outer
  • inside - outside
  • intelligent - stupid, unintelligent
  • intentional - accidental
  • interesting - boring
  • interesting - dull, uninteresting
  • interior - exterior
  • internal - external

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'J'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter J tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'J'

  • join - separate
  • junior - senior
  • just - unjust
  • justice - injustice

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'K'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter K tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'K'

  • knowledge - ignorance
  • known - unknown

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'L'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter L tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'L'

  • landlord - tenant
  • large - small
  • last - first
  • laugh - cry
  • lawful - unlawful, illegal
  • lazy - industrious
  • leader-follower
  • left - right
  • lend -borrow
  • lengthen - shorten
  • lenient - strict
  • less - more
  • light - dark, heavy
  • like - dislike, hate
  • likely - unlikely
  • limited - boundless
  • little - big
  • long - short
  • loose - tight
  • lose - find
  • loss - win
  • loud - quiet
  • love - hate
  • low - high
  • loyal - disloyal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'M'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter M tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'M'

  • mad - happy, sane
  • major - minor
  • many - few
  • mature - immature
  • maximum - minimum
  • melt - freeze
  • merry - sad
  • messy - neat
  • minor - major
  • minority - majority
  • miser - spendthrift
  • misunderstand - understand
  • more - less

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'N'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter N tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'N'

  • nadir - zenith
  • narrow - wide
  • near - far, distant
  • neat - messy, untidy
  • never - always
  • new - old
  • night - day
  • nighttime - daytime
  • no - yes
  • noisy - quiet
  • none - some
  • north-south

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'O'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter O tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'O'

  • obedient - disobedient
  • odd - even
  • offer - refuse
  • old - new
  • old - young
  • on - off
  • open - closed, shut
  • opposite- same, similar
  • optimist - pessimist
  • out - in
  • outer - inner
  • over - under

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'P'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter P tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'P'

  • past - present
  • patient - impatient
  • peace - war
  • permanent - temporary
  • plentiful - scarce
  • plural - singular
  • poetry - prose
  • polite - rude, impolite
  • possible - impossible
  • poverty - wealth, riches
  • powerful - weak
  • pretty - ugly
  • private - public
  • prudent - imprudent
  • pure - impure, contaminated
  • push - pull

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'Q'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Q tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'Q'

  • qualified - unqualified
  • question - answer
  • quiet - loud, noisy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'R'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter R tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'R'

  • raise - lower
  • rapid - slow
  • rare - common
  • real - fake
  • regular - irregular
  • rich - poor
  • right - left, wrong
  • right-side-up - upside-down
  • rough - smooth
  • rude - courteous

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'S'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter S tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'S'

  • safe - unsafe
  • same - opposite
  • satisfactory - unsatisfactory
  • scatter - collect
  • second-hand - new
  • secure - insecure
  • separate - join, together
  • serious - trivial
  • shallow - deep
  • shrink - grow
  • Sick - healthy, ill
  • simple - complex, hard
  • singular - plural
  • sink - float
  • slim - fat, thick
  • slow - fast
  • sober - drunk
  • soft - hard
  • some - none
  • sorrow - joy
  • sour - sweet
  • sow -reap
  • start - finish
  • stop-go
  • straight - crooked
  • strict - lenient
  • strong - weak
  • success - failure
  • sunny - cloudy
  • sweet - sour
  • synonym - antonym

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'T'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter T tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'T'

  • take - give
  • tall - short
  • tame - wild
  • them - us
  • there - here
  • thick - thin
  • tight - loose, slack
  • tiny - big, huge
  • together - apart
  • top - bottom
  • tough - easy, tender
  • transparent - opaque
  • true - false
  • truth - falsehood, lie, untruth

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'U'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter U tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'U'

  • under - over
  • unfold - fold
  • unknown - known
  • unqualified - qualified
  • unsafe - safe
  • up - down
  • upside-down - right-side-up
  • upstairs - downstairs
  • us - them
  • useful - useless

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'V'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter V tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'V'

  • vacant - occupied
  • vanish - appear
  • vast - tiny
  • victory - defeat
  • virtue - vice
  • visible - invisible
  • voluntary - compulsory

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'W'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter W tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'W'

  • war - peace
  • wax - wane
  • weak - strong
  • wet - dry
  • white - black
  • wide - narrow
  • win-lose
  • wisdom - folly, stupidity
  • within - outside
  • wrong - right

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'X'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter X tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'X'

  • Xenial - Inhospitable
  • Xenophobic - Impartial
  • Xeroxes - Original

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'Y'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Y tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'Y'

  • yes - no
  • yin - yang
  • young - old

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter 'Z'

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Z tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With 'Z' / Z opposite words

  • zenith - nadir
  • zip - unzip

Opposite Words In English Exercises

In the English language portion of numerous tests, including SSC (SSC CGL, CHSL, JE, etc.), UPSC (NDA, CDS, etc.), Banking, and more, candidates who are taking government examinations commonly encounter questions relating to antonyms/opposite words in English. The opposite words in English that are requested in the vocabulary part are more complex than the straightforward opposite terms mentioned before. A few significant questions from the perspective of competitive exams are presented below for practice using opposite words.

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word

Q1. Xenophobic

  1. yang
  2. Impartial
  3. qualified
  4. Original

Ans. (b)

Q2. Optimist

  1. courteous
  2. messy
  3. pessimist
  4. sink

Ans. (c)

Q3. Wisdom

  1. folly
  2. Impartial
  3. always
  4. courteous

Ans. (a)

Q4. Ally

  1. enemy
  2. together
  3. repulsive
  4. support

Ans. (a)

Q5. Scatter

  1. disperse
  2. Inhospitable
  3. even
  4. collect

Ans. (d)

Q6. Bless

  1. blame
  2. praise
  3. curse
  4. enjoy

Ans. (c)

Q7. Cheerful

  1. Happy
  2. dreary
  3. Entertain
  4. optimistic

Ans. (b)

Q8. Hinder 

  1. trouble
  2. help
  3. disturbance
  4. pessimistic

Ans. (b)

Q9. Calm

  1. relax
  2. satisfied
  3. Righteous
  4. Windy

Ans. (d)

Q10. Nefarious

  1. Recuperate
  2. Stupidity
  3. Righteous
  4. Sobriety

Ans. (c)


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FAQs - Opposite Words in the English Language

Q. What are the opposing words in English?

A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another.

Q. What is the opposite word of benefit?

Some of the opposite words of benefit are, disadvantage, hindrance, drawback, impediment, minus, liability, obstacle, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of kind?

The opposite words of kind are unkind, inconsiderate, mean, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of tall?

The opposite words of tall are short, small, low, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of fat?

The opposite words of fat are thin, skinny, etc.,

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