Basics of Banking In India: Check Out the Meaning Terms Fundamentals of Banking
Dec 12 2024
Basics of Banking in India, the banking industry in India is one of the biggest industries in India. Banks are known as financial institutions that manage various basic economic activities like accepting deposits, advances, cash, overdrafts, and credit. The basics of Banking in India grant loans to their customers at specific interest rates. Because it facilitates the flow of money and permits economic activity, banking is essential to the economy. Nowadays people can easily access banking services even in villages that have at least one banking outlet, branch, and business correspondents within a 5-kilometer distance.
The 5 Banking Fundamentals, they are
Core Functions of Banking
- Accepting Deposits
- Extending Loans
- Payment Service
Sources of Revenue
- Interest Income
- Fee-Based Income
- Investment Income
Regulatory Framework
- Regulatory Bodies
- Capital Requirements
Technological Advancements
- Digital Banking
- Fintech Collaboration
Risk Management
- Credit Risk
- Operational Risk
- Regulatory Compliance
On this page, we will see the details of the basics of banking fundamentals, bank account types, types of banks, and their functions, details about the e-banking services also with the basics of banking terminology and abbreviations. With this article, The Basics of Banking attached a PDF link to this topic in both English and Hindi for download.
Click the below link to download the Basics of Banking In India PDF in Hindi and English.
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Basics Of Banking In India PDF in Hindi |
Banking History in India PDF Download
Banking Fundamentals
- In India, Banks are classified into various types which have their advantages and disadvantages in their activities.
- Each bank has a specific set of audiences.
- Some bank works in both rural and urban sectors while some focus mainly on the rural sector.
- The majority of the banks provide services in big cities and major towns.
- Bank plays a major role in the banking industry and an important function in the economy.
- The bank directs the needs of trade, industry, and farm funds. A country's growth mainly depends on the development of banking.
- Many sectors do deposit mobilization and credit disbursement through banks.
- Mobilizing resources and allocating them efficiently banks play an important role in the poor countries.
About Regional Rural Banks in India - Complete List
Types of Bank Accounts
The basics of Banking also include types of bank accounts and their features. The various types of bank accounts are as follows,
Savings Account
Current Account
Recurring Deposit Account
Fixed Deposit Account
Salary Account
DEMAT Account
NRI Account
To know the complete details of types of bank accounts click the link provided below.
Details of Types of Bank Accounts in India
Types of Banks and their Functions
When it comes to the basics of banking, the types of banks and their functions play a major part. Here we have provided the complete details of the types of banks and their functions. Candidates can check the given information for their preparation for upcoming competitive examinations.
Click the below link to learn the types of banks and their functions and roles.
Check the Types of Bank, Functions in India
Payments Bank is one of the Types of Bank in India. Here we have provided the link to know the Payments Bank in India in detail.
Payment Banks in India - Eligibility, List, and their Headquarters
Internet Banking / E-Banking
Internet banking is an electronic payment system where the customer of the bank, businesses, or other financial institutions conducts transactions through the website in online mode. Internet banking is also known as e-banking, online banking, or virtual banking. Internet Banking involves the customers to access their bank accounts through an electronic medium.
E-banking involves various advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that customers need not visit the bank branch often as the transaction is done online. With the availability of the Internet, digital banking services are easy for customers. E-banking is developing faster among bankers and customers as it involves hassle-free services. Internet banking involves less human error as certain details are only entered by humans. The customers need not have to visit the bank branch for every transaction. This saves more time and money for the customers. E-banking breaks the geographical barrier for money transactions.
The disadvantages include disruption in technology, lack of personal security concerns, etc.
Types of E-banking Services
Let us discuss the forms of e-banking and their services.
ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
Electronic Clearing Service
Smart Cards
Debit Cards
Mobile Banking
Internet Banking
Tele Banking
Door-step Banking
Basics of Banking Terminologies and Abbreviations
The basics of banking include certain banking terminologies and their abbreviations. Here we have provided some of the banking terminologies and their abbreviations in detail.
ACF - Account Credit Facility
AD - Authorised Dealer
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADR - American Depository Receipt
AFS - Annual Financial Statement
AIRCSC - All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
ALM - Asset Liability Management
ASSOCHAM - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
BG - Bank Guarantee
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BoP - Balance of Payments
BSCS - Basel Committee of Banking Supervision
BSR - Basic Statistical Returns
CAD - Capital Account Deficit
CAG - Controller and Auditor General of India
CASA - Current Account Savings Account
CBS - Core Banking Solution
CC - Cash Credit
CD - Certificate of Deposit
CR Ratio - Credit Deposit Ratio
CF - Company Finance
CFRA - Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
CGRA - Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
CGTMSE - Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
CIBIL - Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited
CII - Confederation of Indian Industry
CO - Capital Outlay
CP - Commercial Paper
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CR - Capital Receipts
CRAR - Capital to Risk-Weighted Asset Ratio
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
CVC - Central Vigilance Commission
DBOD - Department of Banking Operations and Development
DCB - Demand Collection and Balance
DCCB - District Central Co-operative Bank
DCM, RBI - Department of Currency Management, RBI
DD - Demand Draft
DEIO - Department of External Investments and Operations
DGCI&S - Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
DI - Direct Investments
DICGC - Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
DID - Discharge of Internal Debt
DMA - Departmentalized Ministries Account
DRI - Differential Rate of Interest Scheme
DSBB - Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
DVP - Delivery Versus Payment
ECB - External Commercial Borrowing
ECB - European Central Bank
ECGC - Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
ECS - Electronic Clearing Service
EDMU - External Debt Management Unit
EEA - Exchange Equalization Account
EEC - European Economic Community
EEFC - Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
EFR - Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
EMI - Equated Monthly Installments
EXIM Bank - Export-Import Bank of India
FCA - Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB - Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCNRB(B) - Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks)
FCNRA - Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account
FCNRD - Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA - Foreign Exchange Management Act
FI - Financial Institution
FICCI - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FII - Foreign Institutional Investor
FIMMDA - Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FISIM - Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
FLAS - Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey
FOF - Flow of Funds
FPI - Foreign Portfolio Investment
FRA - Forward Rate Agreement
FRN - Floating Rate Note
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
G-Sec - Government Securities
IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IDRBT - Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
IEPF - Investors Education and Protection Fund
IFSC - Indian Financial System Code
IFC - Indian Financial Corporation
IFCI - Industrial Finance Corporation of India
IIBF - International Institute of Banking and Finance
IIBI - Industrial Investment Bank of India
IFC - International Finance Corporation
IFR - Investment Fluctuation Reserve
IIP - Index of Industrial Production
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IMPS - Immediate Payment Service
IP - Interest Payment
IRAC - Income Recognition Asset Classification
ISDA - International Swaps and Derivative Association
ISO - International Standards Organisation
KYC - Know Your Customer
KVP - Kisan Vikas Patra
KVIC - Khadi and Village Industries Corporation
LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAS - Loans and Advances by States
LC - Letter of Credit
LDB - Land Development Bank
LERMS - Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
LFAR - Long Form Audit Report
M1 - Narrow Money
M3 - Broad Money
MA - Moving Average
MCA - Ministry of Corporate Affairs
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MOC - Memorandum of Changes
MSS - Market Stabilisation Scheme
MUDRA - Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd
NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NBFC - Non-Banking Financial Companies
NEC - Not Elsewhere Classified
NECS - National Electronic Clearing Service
NEER - Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NEFT - National Electronic Fund Transfer
NFA - Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
NFD - Net Fiscal Deficit
NHB - National Housing Bank
NIF - Note Issuance Facility
NPA - Non-Performing Assets
NPV - Net Present Value
NSSF - National Small Savings Fund
OD - Overdraft
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OLTAS - Online Tax Accounting System
PACS - Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PD - Primary Deficit
PLR - Prime Lending Rate
RD - Revenue Deficit
RE - Revenue Expenditure
REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
RIB - Resurgent India Bonds
RLA - Recoveries of Loans and Advancements
RTC - Repayment of Loans to Centre
RoC’s - Registrars of Companies
RR - Revenue Receipts
RRB - Regional Rural Bank
RTGS - Real-Time Gross Settlement
RTP - Reserve Tranche Position
RUF - Revolving Underwriting Facility
RWA - Risk Weighted Asset
SCARDB - State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
SCB - State Co-operative Bank
SCB - Scheduled Commerical Bank
SDDS - Special Data Dissemination Standards
SDR - Special Drawing Right
SEBI - Securities Exchange Board of India
SFC - State Financial Corporation
SIDBI - Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDC - State Industrial Development Corporation
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMG - Standing Monitoring Group
SNA - System of National Accounts
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
TB’s - Treasury Bills
TC - Temporary Change
TT - Telegraphic Transfer
UCN - Uniform Code Number
UPI - Unified Payments Interface
UTI - Unit Trust of India
UTR number - Unique Transaction Service number
WPI - Wholesale Price Index
YTM - Yield to Maturity
Basics of Banking: FAQs
Q. What are the basic banking services?
A. The basic banking services include accepting deposits, granting loans, payment and remittance services, overdraft, currency exchange, locker, money transfer, etc.
Q. What is the full form of ATM?
A. Automated Teller Machine is the full form of ATM.
Q. What is the full form of PLR?
A. Prime Lending Rate is the full form of PLR.
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