SSC CHSL Preparation 2022 Tips and Strategies | How to Prepare for SSC CHSL?
Feb 07 2022
Here we have added SSC CHSL preparation 2022 tips & strategies. The Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CHSL exam annually for recruitment in various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations of the Government of India. SSC CHSL exam 2022 is conducted to hire candidates for various posts such as Lower Division Clerk, Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, and Data Entry Operator posts. Candidates who have applied can make use of these SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 and tips provided here. As SSC CHSL is one of the highly competitive exams, candidates should stick to the best preparation tips along with the subject-wise strategies. Follow the SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 available here.
The SSC CHSL selection process has three mandatory stages that should be completed successfully. They are, Tier-1 (Objective Multiple Choice), Tier-2 (Descriptive Paper), Tier-3 (Skill Test/Computer Proficiency Test). The SSC CHSL Tier-1 exam consists of General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill), English Language (Basic Knowledge) sections. The SSC CHSL Tier-2 exam consists of Essay writing and Letter/ Application writing. The SSC CHSL Tier-3 exam includes (Skill Test/ Typing test). Follow the SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 provided here and clear the examination.
Check Details of SSC CHSL Salary 2022
General Strategies for SSC CHSL Preparation 2022
Follow the general SSC CHSL preparation strategy and tips available here. Then you will get an idea on how to prepare for the SSC CHSL exam 2022.
Click here to know SSC Result Calendar 2022
Be Updated with the latest SSC CHSL Syllabus
- Candidates should have a thorough knowledge of the latest exam pattern and syllabus of the SSC CHSL exam.
- Know the topics with high weightage and be aware of the total marks, number of questions and the total time duration.
Create a personalized study plan:
- Prepare your study plan based on your strengths and weaknesses in each section.
- Always try to stick to the study plan.
- If you miss out in any session try to compensate for it on some other session.
Prepare with Best Books for SSC CHSL Exam 2022
Make Notes:
- Always have a habit of making notes.
- Maintain proper notes for formulas, some basic rules, vocabularies, basic grammar rules, and whatever is very important.
- Always try to revise the notes before the examination.
- It helps you to make a quick glance of the important rules and formulas.
Understand the Basics properly:
- In the study plan, always allocate some quality time for brushing up your basics.
- Solve some basic problems as well.
- Understanding the basics is very important for clearing the exam.
- SSC CHSL practice quiz for free for all the sections here.
Practice Section-wise tests:
- To analyse your performance for each section, practice section-wise tests.
- Always be thorough with the topics with high-weightage in each section.
- Assess your progress by understanding the weak and strong topics in each section and work accordingly.
Practice Mock Tests:
- Always practice sufficient SSC CHSL Mock Tests before the exam.
- Do analyse the mocks and try to find the ways to score more in each section.
- Review the solutions properly. If the reviewed question is asked in the next mock it should be answered correctly.
- Know the sections that need to be improved and work on those.
Practice Previous Year Papers:
- Practicing SSC CHSL previous year papers plays an important role in your preparation.
- It gives a basic idea of how to go about the paper.
- It helps you to understand the type of questions asked and the topics of highest importance.
Regularly Read Newspapers:
- One should have a constant practice of reading newspapers.
- It helps you to be aware of the latest happenings as well as improve your vocabulary.
- This practice will help you score more in the reading comprehension section as well.
SSC CHSL Preparation Strategy 2022: Subject-wise Tips
Check the subject-wise SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 and tips to crack the exam. Know how to prepare for SSC CHSL Examination for all the three stages. These preparation tips will be very helpful in planning your own strategy to clear the examination. It covers sections such as General Intelligence, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Essay Writing, Letter writing tips and some general tips for skill tests.
SSC CHSL Tier 1 Preparation Strategy 2022:
Chek tips on how to prepare for SSC CHSL tier 1 for each subject.
SSC CHSL 2022 Exam Preparation Tips for English
Check tips on how to prepare for SSC CHSL English section.
- It will purely test the candidates' understanding of English and basic grammar rules.
- Have a regular habit of reading newspapers.
- Take proper notes for your vocabulary. Learn new words daily.
- Always revise the notes taken properly.
- Learn basic grammar rules.
- In English the topics such as Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting, Paragraph Completion, One Word Substitution, etc.should be given more importance.
- Take sectional tests and review the solutions properly.
SSC CHSL Preparation Strategy 2022 for General Intelligence
- Candidates should practice topics such as Symbolic/ Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation, Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/ Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural Classification, Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic Series, Figural Pattern-folding and completion, Number Series, etc.
- Always be clear with the basics.
- Practice more mocks and analyze the scores.
- Learn to choose the questions wisely.
- Attempt easier questions first.
- Learn time management skills.
Exam Preparation Tips for Quantitative Aptitude
Check tips on how to prepare for SSC CHSL quantitative aptitude section.
- Maintain proper notes for formulas and shortcuts.
- Revise the notes taken frequently.
- Practice more sectional tests to improve your speed and accuracy in this section.
- Important topics of this section are: Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Alligation, Time and distance, Time and work, etc.
- Consistent practice of mock tests is the only way to ace this section.
SSC CHSL Preparation Strategy 2022 for General Awareness
- Daily learn current affairs of that day.
- Do read newspapers and attempt quizzes daily, weekly and monthly.
- Revise the topics frequently. It will help to remember and answer the questions easily.
- The important topics of this section are History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy, and scientific research.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Preparation Tips:
Check strategies on how to prepare for SSC CHSL tier 2.
SSC CHSL Preparation Strategy 2022 for Essay writing
Check the SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 for Essay writing.
- For this section, the word count should be 200-250 words.
- The maximum marks for this section will be 100 which should be completed within the total time of 60 minutes.
- This is a descriptive paper where candidates will be tested in English/Hindi language in writing Essays and Applications.
- Start with an introduction.
- The main body of the essay should consist of some paragraphs.
- The conclusion should be a short paragraph that reiterates your main points.
- The topic for the same will be given during the exam itself.
- They will be in the lines of National Interest, Finance & Economy, Ecological Issues, Social Issues, Politics, Schemes, and Governance, etc.
- Candidates should be aware of the readability, voices, and basic grammar rules while writing the essay.
SSC CHSL Preparation 2022 Strategy for Letter writing
Check the SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 for letter writing.
- For this section, the word count should be 150-200 words.
- The maximum marks for this section will be 100 which should be completed within the total time of 60 minutes.
- Try to memorize the format of both formal and informal letter writing.
- Candidates should convey the entire information using a few words.
- Always start with the Address, Date, Inside Address, Greetings, Subject-line, Body, Closing sentences.
- Try to stick to the word limit.
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Best Books for SSC CHSL 2022
The best SSC CHSL preparation strategy will be complete only if you follow the best books for each subject. So, refer to the books given here subject wise for your SSC CHSL preparation 2022.
Best Books for SSC CHSL 2022 - English
Here we provide the best books for the SSC CHSL 2022 English preparation.
- Objective General English by SP Bakshi
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- Common Errors in English by Kiran Prakashan
- Plinth to Paramount by KD Campus
- Quick Learning Objective General English by RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
- A Mirror of Common Errors by Dr Ashok Kumar Singh
- Words Idioms & Phrases by Arihant Experts
- Perfect Competitive English by Kiran Prakashan
Best Books for SSC CHSL 2022 - Quantitative Aptitude
Follow the Quantitative aptitude books provided here to make your SSC CHSL preparation 2022 more effective.
- Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
- NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11
- Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav
- Fast Track by Rajesh Verma
- Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M Tyra
Best Books for SSC CHSL 2022 - General Awareness
In your SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022, include these materials for GA section.
- General Knowledge by Lucent Publication
- NCERT Books – Class X, XII
- Manorama Yearbook
Best Books for SSC CHSL 2022 - Logical Reasoning
Follow the logical reasoning books provided below for the best SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022.
- Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
- A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
- Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe
- New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indu Sijwali.
Check the FAQs available here on SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022.
Q: What is the best preparation strategy to crack SSC CHSL 2022?
A: General & subject wise tips are available here. Follow these tips and practice with the help of mock tests and previous year papers.
Q: Mention 2 best books for SSC CHSL Quantitative aptitude preparation?
A: Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal and Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav.
Q: Is it possible to crack SSC CHSL 2022 in the 1st attempt?
A: With the best SSC CHSL preparation strategy 2022 available here, you can easily do it. The only thing is, you must follow the proper study plan.
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