SBI Clerk Preparation Tips 2022 | For SBI JA Prelims & Mains
Apr 21 2022
SBI Clerk is one of the highly competitive exams. Candidates who follow a smart SBI Clerk exam preparation strategy and practice enough in all the sections will achieve. To make you an achiever, we have provided you with the SBI Clerk preparation strategy and we are here to answer the question, How to prepare for SBI Clerk 2022? And clear all your doubts regarding the SBI Clerk prelims exam preparation and SBI Clerk mains exam preparation. SBI Clerk Mock Tests 2022 is provided with the exam point of view questions in the latest exam pattern.
Check Here for SBI Clerk Salary
The SBI Clerk 2022 selection process has two stages, the Prelims, and the Mains exam. In your SBI Clerk prelims preparation, you have to cover English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude sections. The SBI Clerk Mains Exam consists of General/ Financial Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude sections. Here, we have provided you with the SBI Clerk exam preparation tips for the Prelims and mains.
Check Here For SBI Clerk Syllabus & Exam Pattern
SBI Clerk 2022 Preparation: General Tips
Here are some general tips and strategies on how to prepare for SBI clerk 2022. Follow all these tips & strategies in your SBI clerk preparation.
Know the latest SBI Clerk Syllabus 2022
- In your SBI clerk preparation strategy, you must have proper knowledge of the new exam pattern and detailed syllabus.
- Practice the topics with more weightage regularly to have a consistent speed and accuracy.
- By analyzing the topics that should be covered, candidates can prepare the proper SBI Clerk preparation strategy.
Prepare Your Own SBI Clerk Study Plan 2022 :
- The study plan should be prepared based on your strengths and weaknesses.
- More importance should be given to the weaker sections.
- For SBI clerk prelims preparation, target easy to medium level questions.
- After this groundwork, you can start practicing mock tests.
- In your SBI clerk mains preparation tips, practice tougher questions in the exam point of view.
Practice SBI Clerk Mock Test:
- First, solve all the practice questions in offline mode without considering time.
- Then set the timer and solve these PDFs.
- Then start attempting SBI Clerk Mock Tests within the time specified.
- After finishing the easy ones, you can try tough questions.
Don't Get Stuck Up In Tricky Questions
Here are some general SBI clerk exam preparation tips for you.
- While giving the exam, candidates should not get stuck on any particular question.
- Leave the question if you are not able to solve the question within 1 minute of reading the question.
- Once you complete the rest of the question, come back to the unfinished question.
Review The Mocks Attempted:
- Reviewing the mock tests is as important as practicing mock tests.
- Solve the questions that are wrongly answered and try to understand the concepts.
- Analyze the stronger and weaker sections.
- Practice Free quizzes in all the sections here.
- So, the questions reviewed, when asked in the real exam, should be done right.
Maintain Accuracy:
- There will be negative marks of 0.25 for each wrong answer in the SBI Clerk Prelims exam.
- Sometimes guesswork might be fruitful but doing too much guesswork while attempting the paper will give you negative results.
- So, candidates should take extra care while doing guesswork on the paper.
Revise Regularly
- The regular revision will make you keep in mind the concepts easily.
- Revise the important formulas, Vocabs, and current affairs topics.
- Don’t try to mug up any new information as you will not be able to retain it.
- Make sure the important topics are all revised well.
SBI Clerk Preparation Strategy 2022: Subject Wise
The SBI Clerk preparation tips subject-wise is given below. It covers sections such as English Language, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude, General / Financial Awareness. Know the things regarding, how to prepare for SBI Clerk examination. It will be the best SBI clerk mains preparation strategy for you.
SBI Clerk Preparation Strategy for English
For the English language section, check out the most effective SBI clerk preparation strategy here.
- Knowing the basic grammar rules is very important.
- For this a good knowledge of the English Parts of Speech, Synonyms, Antonyms, Jumble Words, Tenses, and Verbs is necessary.
- Reading comprehension is the section where you can score more.
- Try to understand the passage given and then answer.
- Vocabulary also plays an important role in determining your scores in the English section.
- Learn new words from the editorial pages daily which will be very beneficial during exams.
- Practice section-wise tests and review it properly.
SBI Clerk Preparation Strategy for Reasoning Ability
Follow these SBI clerk exam preparation tips for the reasoning ability section.
- The Reasoning section is very important in scoring high marks.
- Solve the easy questions first.
- Most of the reasoning section will be covered by Puzzles/Seating Arrangement.
- The miscellaneous topics such as Inequalities, Input-Output, Direction Sense, Syllogisms, Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Data Sufficiency, Ranking and Order, Assumptions, Conclusions, Effect and Cause, etc. should be solved first.
- Puzzles and seating arrangement questions should be solved in a specific time.
- If any question is time-consuming or you are stuck in a question, then kindly leave that question and focus on other questions.
- Please know that there is no trick for solving the Reasoning Section, only practice will help you.
SBI Clerk Preparation Strategy for Quantitative Aptitude
For the Quantitative aptitude section, refer to the best SBI clerk preparation strategy here.
- Speed and accuracy is important in scoring high marks in this section.
- First start with the simplification, quadratic equation, number series and Data Interpretation questions.
- Then go for Application sums.
- Paperwork should be avoided for simple problems and mind calculation is essential.
- Practice more mock tests and sectional tests to score high marks in this section.
Check SBI Clerk Previous Question Paper PDF Download
SBI Clerk Preparation Strategy for General Awareness and Financial Awareness
Follow these SBI clerk mains preparation strategy for the GA section.
- Studying current affairs daily is important and revise them regularly.
- For this section, aspirants need to cover Current Affairs, Banking and financial awareness, Static GK topics.
- Learning and revising frequently is the only way to score high marks in this section.
Also subscribe to our Platinum Plus Package for standard questions preparation which contains 3000+ mock tests, Video Course and Mentorship Program to give a hand to make your career a successful one. So, aspirants on going through this article, surely you would have got an idea on how to prepare for SBI clerk 2022. Follow all tips and succeed soon.
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SBI Clerk Prelims 2023
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- 15 Sectional Tests
- Latest Exam Pattern
- Bilingual (Hindi & English)
SBI Clerk Mains 2023
- 10 Full Length Tests (Mains)
- 15 Sectional Tests
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