NIACL AO Preparation 2022 Strategy: Effective Tips & Techniques

Solidify your NIACL AO preparation 2022 in this short span of time with the impactful strategies provided. Candidates with consistent efforts and an effective preparation plan will definitely crack NIACL AO Exam. Uplift your performance by following the comprehensive guidelines and approaches for the NIACL AO preparation 2022. Follow these subject-wise strategies & general guidelines shared and crack the NIACL AO Exam with better scores. Read this article carefully and know the NIACL AO preparation 2022 strategy shared.

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Subject-wise Strategies For NIACL AO 2022 Preparation

Let’s crack the NIACL AO 2022 Exam with the effective NIACL AO Preparation Strategy. Know how to prepare for NIACL AO mains & prelims exams with comprehensive techniques. Enrich your preparation for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language (Objective + Descriptive) and General Awareness sections by applying these impactful strategies provided here.

Effective Approach For Quantitative Aptitude Section:

Follow these tips while preparing and know how to prepare for NIACL AO mains & prelims Quants section.

  1. Have conceptual understanding of all the topics.
  2. Practice mind math tricks for fast calculations. This practice will improve your speed.
  3. Attempt easily scoring questions first. Solve Simplification, Approximation, Data Interpretation, Number Systems and Number series questions first.
  4. Practice all types of problems in all the important application problems in topics such as Time & work, profit & loss, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Mixtures & Alligations, Permutation, Combination & Probability, Time & Distance, Mensuration, Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices, etc.,
  5. Section-wise tests should be attempted to improve your speed and accuracy in this section.
  6. For the mains exam, practice application based DI’s covering all the important topics.
  7. Practice more sectional tests to improve speed in this section. Analyse the attempted mocks regularly.
  8. Always revise the notes taken for shortcuts, formulas, easy mind calculations before the exam.

Effective Approach For Reasoning Ability Section:

Here is the NIACL AO preparation 2022 strategy for the Reasoning Ability section.

  1. Practice more mocks and sectional tests to improve your speed and accuracy in this section.
  2. Manage your time efficiently by attempting questions from easier topics first such as Coded Inequalities, Ranking, Direction, Alphabet Test, Alphanumeric Series, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding and Blood Relations.
  3. These topics are easy scoring parts.
  4. Then go for Input Output, Logical Reasoning and Data Sufficiency topics.
  5. If you are stuck on any question, kindly go for the next one if you are not certain that it will be solved within the next few minutes.
  6. Practice more and more puzzles of all types (Flat & Floors, Box based, Month Based, Day Based, Choosing Puzzles,etc.,)
  7. Likewise for seating Arrangement, be familiar with all new types of seating(Circular, square, concentric based, etc.,)
  8. Choose puzzles that you find easy first. Solve it within 4-5 mins for prelims and 7-8 minutes for mains exam.
  9. If you have enough time after attempting these, you can carry on with the question that you are stuck up/ tricky ones.
  10. Try to score more in the first 10-15 mins. This will boost your confidence and make you score more.

Effective Approach For English Language Section:

NIACL AO Preparation 2022 Strategy for the English section consisting of (Objective & Descriptive) tests is provided below. Know how to prepare for NIACL AO mains exam for English.

  1. Learn basic grammar rules and it will help you solve the Error Spotting (5-10Q) and Sentence Correction questions with ease.
  2. Read newspapers daily and make notes of new vocabularies and revise it regularly. This will bring a major advantage in answering Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Fill in the blanks, Multiple Meaning, Paragraph Completion questions. 
  3. For parajumbles read more editorials and know where to start and end.
  4. Attempt sectional tests to boost your confidence in this section.
  5. For descriptive tests consisting of essay writing (200 words) and letter Writing Formal/Informal (150 words). A total of 30 minutes will be given for descriptive writing.
  6. Letter writing (10 marks) and for Essay writing (20 marks) will be allotted.
  7. Practice topics related to economy, banking, current happenings, insurance etc., and try to complete it within the specified time.
  8. Based on vacancies, the cutoff will be decided for descriptive paper. So, try to perform well in this section as well.

 Effective Approach For General Awareness Section:

Score more in this general awareness section with these easy strategies that will help you in your exam.

  1. Aspirants should be aware of daily happenings in a detailed manner which they can know through any of the comfortable sources.
  2. Either you can read newspapers or magazines or journals or through any other sources.
  3. Take short notes of the important percentages, amounts and other confusing details.
  4. Revise it regularly and attempt more Daily, weekly and monthly quizzes.
  5. Always review the mocks attempted and learn new information given.
  6. Cover topics related to Banking Awareness, Indian Financial System, History of Indian Banking Industry, International Organisation / Financial Institutions, Capital Market & Money Market, Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies and Other important concepts.
  7. For banking history candidates can use capsules that cover entire information about Abbreviations and Economic terminologies and Other important concepts.
  8. In the current affairs section, cover news related to Summits, Books & Authors, Awards, Sports, Defence, International, Obituaries, etc.,
  9. Revising is the only key to score more in this section.

These are the Subject-wise NIACL AO Preparation Strategies that should be followed. Maintain good accuracy and avoid giving uncertain answers. Read the complete article to know the other general NIACL AO Preparation strategy too.

Easy Tips To Crack NIACL AO 2022 Exam

Remember these tips to enrich your preparation and score better marks in the examination. Have a look at the general NIACL AO Preparation 2022 strategy mentioned below.

1. Make Impactful Study Plan:

Have thorough knowledge of the syllabus and pattern of the exam. This is of utmost importance. Make a well balanced study plan covering both prelims and mains exams. Allocate ample time for revision and NIACL AO Quiz practice for all the sections. 

2. Create Short Notes:

Make short notes of important formulas, shortcuts, new vocabularies and important insurance sector information and do revise it regularly.

3. Perfect Practice Methods:

Practice more NIACL AO Mock tests and analyse the solutions provided within a short span of time. Make your progress in the mocks provided and work on your weaker sections. Improve your accuracy by practicing NIACL AO PDF sets covering all the sections.

4. Things To Note From Previous Year:

Analyse the previous year cutoff to know the pattern, exam level and the type of questions asked and the topics with higher importance. Practice more NIACL AO previous year papers. It will give you the real exam interface and boost your confidence.

5. Be Disciplined In Your Preparation:

Practice Consistently. As negative marking is there, maintain good accuracy. Focus on your goal and put your cent percent effort.

NIACL AO Preparation 2022 FAQs:

Q: How can I prepare for the AO exam?

A: Prepare a well-structured study plan with the effective preparation strategies provided here in detail for all the sections.

Q: Is the NIACL AO exam tough?

A: The overall difficulty level of the NIACL AO Exam is Moderate to difficult. Candidates can definitely crack it with ample practice.

Q: Is NIACL a good job?

A: NIACL is one of the leading insurance sectors in the country. It is a wonderful opportunity to work in it as it provides a lucrative salary with a stable job.

Q: Is NIACL AO conducted every year?

A: No. The NIACL AO Examination is not conducted annually. As per the company’s requirement notification will be released on its official website.

Q: What are the important topics that should be covered for NIACL AO 2022?

A: The important topics that should be covered for NIACL AO 2022 are mentioned above in this article. For a complete set of topics under each section, refer to the NIACL AO Syllabus.

Q: Whether there is any sectional timing for NIACL AO 2022 Mains exam?

A: Yes, sectional timing is applicable for the NIACL AO 2022 Mains exam.

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