LIC AAO Preparation Strategy 2022 | How to Prepare for LIC AAO/AE
Feb 10 2022
LIC AAO preparation strategy 2022 is here. It is the right time to start practicing for the LIC AAO AE exam. Candidates should follow a proper study plan and preparation techniques. In these crucial days, solve more mocks and previous year papers to self-assess yourself. Prepare sincerely and strategize your learning process. The LIC AAO exam preparation tips 2022 in general, as well as subject-wise, are provided below for your reference.
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LIC AAO Preparation Tips : General Tips to Keep in Mind
Thoroughly practice with the best LIC AAO 2022 preparation strategies to crack this exam. Follow the general LIC AAO exam preparation tips and strategies available here. Check how to prepare for the LIC AAO AE exam 2022.
1.Know the Latest exam pattern and syllabus:
- Having a thorough knowledge of the latest exam pattern and syllabus is extremely important.
- In the exam pattern, check the total time duration and the time allotted for each section.
- Get to know the topic-wise weightage of marks and the topics that are asked repetitively.
2.Make a Study Plan for Yourself:
- As per your timing, make your study plan in a well-structured manner.
- Try to cover all the topics in your study plan.
- While making a study plan, always allocate time judiciously to revise and practice quizzes.
3.Brush Up the Basics You Know:
- Candidates should be strong in their basics.
- Practice LIC AAO AE Free practice set PDF for all the sections.
- Solve ample problems in each topic with the standard LIC AAO material.
- As english section is only qualifying in nature, many candidates skip this section. Don't do that, practice english section as well. It will boost your score in the prelims examination.
4.Regularly Take Mock Tests:
- Practice exam oriented mocks for the LIC AAO AE exam.
- By attempting mocks, you can analyse your strengths and weaknesses.
- As the solutions are provided with explanations in each mocks, candidates should review the attempted mocks. This is very essential.
- Practising mock tests and analysing them properly is the only way to improve scores in the examination.
5.Maintain Proper Notes:
- Proper notes should be maintained for each section separately.
- Candidates should make notes of important formulas and shortcuts.
- Candidates should regularly revise the notes to have a good memory of it.
- Always before attempting the exam, concrete revision of the notes taken is important.
6.Practice previous year papers:
- Previous year papers give you an overall idea about the question paper difficulty level, vital topics and type of questions asked.
- By practising the previous year question papers, candidates can get an idea about time management techniques.
- Choosing the questions wisely is very important to score more in any section. Practising more question papers will help you choose the right questions at that time.
7.Stay Updated:
- Always have a habit of being updated with daily news.
- Candidates can read newspapers; it will enhance their vocabulary skills and also help to be aware of the latest happenings.
- Practice weekly monthly CA quizzes.
LIC AAO/AE Preparation Strategy 2022: Subject Wise
Here we have provided the subject-wise preparation tips for the LIC AAO 2022 Exam. Candidates can follow these LIC AAO preparation strategies provided for prelims as well as mains examination. Plan your own study plan by keeping in mind these LIC AAO preparation strategy 2022 provided here. Here we have provided the LIC AAO AE Preparation Tips 2022 for the English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, General Awareness and Current Affairs, Professional Knowledge and Insurance & Financial Market Awareness.
English Language
- English Language in the preliminary and mains exam is only qualifying in nature.
- Constant practice of reading newspapers is very important.
- As the prelims English exam is only of objective type questions, candidates can brush up the basic grammar rules and vocabulary.
- For the English Mains exam, candidates need to prepare for the letter writing and essay writing topics.
- The total time for Essay and letter writing is 30 minutes.
- Try to practice essays on current affairs topics as it will be helpful for your general awareness too.
- Complete Essay and letter writing within the specified time.
Quantitative Aptitude
- The quantitative Aptitude section is compulsory for all the posts in the preliminary examination. For the mains examination, this section is only included in the Generalist cadre.
- Practice is the only key to ace this section.
- Learn shortcuts and formulas and make a proper note of it.
- Candidates should revise these notes frequently to be strong in the concepts.
- Always choose easier questions first such as Simplification, Approximation, Number Series, Inequalities, etc.,
- Then solve Data Interpretation questions and then go for the application sums.
- Review the attempted mocks properly.
- Attempt questions with good accuracy.
Reasoning Ability
- This section is standard for both prelims and mains sections.
- Always attempt easier questions such as Inequality, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding and other miscellaneous questions first within a specific time.
- Then directly go for puzzles.
- Be accurate in the questions attempted by you.
- Practice more mocks and sectional tests to score more in this section.
- Review the answers properly.
- Have notes of tricks and shortcuts and revise adequately.
General Awareness and Current Affairs
- Time is not a bounding matter in this section.
- Having knowledge of the latest happenings will make you score in this section.
- Study daily news regularly.
- Attempt weekly and monthly quizzes.
- Take notes of important information.
- Create a proper study plan separately for current affairs and do follow it regularly.
- As mentioned in the other sections, reviewing mock tests in this section is important as well.
- Before going to the exam, revise the notes taken once.
Professional Knowledge
- This section is applicable to candidates who have applied for the IT, CA, Actuarial, and Rajbhasha section in the LIC AAO exam.
- Be strong in the basics of the specialised subject you have applied for.
- The questions will be of objective type.
- Candidates can solve the previous year papers of the professional knowledge section to be aware of the type of questions asked in this section.
- Attempt topic-wise quizzes.
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness
- Like the current affairs section, the candidates need to be updated with daily news related to insurance and financial awareness to score in this section.
- Candidates should prepare topics on Insurance History, Terms related to Insurance Sector, Taglines and Chairman of Insurance Companies, Schemes and Policies of Life Insurance Corporation, All recent changes in Insurance Sector, All mergers and acquisitions etc.,
- Candidates can make use of weekly and monthly magazines for financial awareness preparation.
- Practice mocks and reviews it properly.
- Try to understand the news properly and get to know all the relevant details.
As a sectional cutoff is there for the LIC AAO exam, candidates should prepare well for all the sections respective of the posts they have applied for.
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